KendallDonaldson » Mexico Love is where I am found. Thu, 13 Feb 2014 13:31:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 adiós Fri, 08 Jun 2012 18:01:02 +0000 kendalldonaldson

I am off to never-never land with the man friend, I have been packing for six consecutive days, and my closet is empty, my luggage just under 50lbs and I am ready to go! We leave Sunday morning … in the weee hours of the morning, so I suspect twitter and instagram will be my only friend at 6AM! Having said that, I didn’t want my blog to rest a week, so I asked my cyber (Canadian) blog buddy Kassandra from Kastles.Tumblr to come on over here and show the east(er) cost, well east(er) than where she is, some love.

Kassandra is a doll, loves mixing patterns, pushing the fashion limits, but sticks generally to very girly, simple silhouettes. Kass has an incredible eye for key investment pieces, trendy or not, and has the total recessionista swag thing going on, everything she buys is affordable and easily accessible -  not to mention how consistently envious I find myself over her wardrobe, as I know you will too.

Stay tuned for next Thursday June 14th!! Until then, adios amigos!

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