ah. [rolling eyes whilst realizing a rant on why one has not blogged is now irrelevant and over played]

so on that note, I have to share an email I received mentioning all of the amazing sample sales going on here in Toronto over the next couple of weeks. * [Click on the image for more details]

I was lucky enough to make it up to the RUDSAK sample sale on Thursday and walked away with a coat I admired when I was [slightly] more broke. My dear friend Lisa saw the coat before I did, tried it on, and to her dismay I yanked it off of the rack and tried it on as well. While she stood there frowning at the results thinking she could not pull of the look – I happily marched over to the full length mirror to check myself out. I begged and pleaded with her to spin around in the coat that looked amazing on her, but she insisted she could not pull it off. LISA!! Now you will just have to borrow mine.

I had a very busy weekend filled with road trips, movies, friends, wine, laughter and delicious foods. I must admit that I am always exhausted after my weekends, but I have the best of times with the people I spend them with. Speaking of these people, Christmas is just around the freaking corner and I have sworn to myself to not step foot into a mall [you'd think shopping in a mall would be difficult for a recovering shopaholic], but not to fret – because my lifestyle is [er ... was] lush, the companies in which I spend all my hard earned money in now are 100% online!!

I am willing to spend the shipping costs knowing I did buy the right items for the right people, this also prevents me from picking out things for myself – [ wait - no, it doesn't actually, I collect 10 items in my "shopping cart" and through process of elimination and guilt - remove these items ]  THE POINT IS … I am learning.


HAPPY CHRISTMAS!! [well ... at this rate I need to say it now]


  1. hey congrats on top 15 :)