I have never been so happy. ever.
BIG things are happening, & there are a ton of great people behind me, and also new faces beside me.
Here is a little bit of what I got up to at the conference … with the wonderful girls I met!
[80% of the photo's below were taken from the adorable christine from viewfrom5ft2]
emily & I
the beautiful marissa from taste & style files
the amazing gift bag IFB members received. thank-you, thank-you, thank-you.
I can not wait till we are all re-united with one another! By the looks of these images you’d think we stood around and took photo’s of each other all afternoon, but let me assure you. We were all nerds, with moleskine & sharpies in tote, jotting notes, a mile a minute. 80% of these photos were taken at break, and then again at the after party. We soaked in so much information, together we are such a force.
The most amazing thing was how narcissistic we are all – but we support each other’s narcissism, and it works out beautifully. I will be doing an outfit post this weekend on the items that I wore.
Good times. Things happen for a reason. Just go with the flow. (Man, am I just spewing clichés or what?)
such excellent photos!! i’m eternally grateful that i ended up sitting by two of the coolest gals at the whole event
you are awesome and deserve wonderful things!
i love having friends that are really passionate : )
Ah how I love thee!! I miss you and cannot wait for out reunion. I hope that you have arrived safely at home and caught up on some sleep!! xo
Kendall! This post was fabulous- You have such a passionate and carefree writing style, and I absolutely adore it. These pictures are all so gorgeous- It’s hard to believe that just a week ago right now we were all together having the time of our lives! Can’t wait for next season (I know, I’ve said it 100 times haha)
xo plums. love love love.
Kendalllll I love it! Together we ARE a force
thanks for linking me and including me in your post! PS- I’m obsessed with your signature it’s adorable
you are more than welcome darling.
miss xo.