
I can’t lie. When Alex from I’m a little contacted me to join in on the glittery-girly-soiree that was Christmas in July, I just about burst with excitement. Not just because I was getting to hang out with my blogging lovers but because it gave us all a chance to relax, be girly and DIY the shit out of summer inspired Christmas stockings.

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                         Myself, Crystal, Tara, Justine, Alex, Stephanie, Nicole

We ate (gluten free!) bonbon’s from Tori’s Bakeshop, sipped on cocoa soy milk and got our craft on. Tiffany Pratt, who is a real life mermaid and stylist headed up our crafty session with Alex’s vision and they exploded glitter and charm into this styled event. Tiff also saved my soul and ass … aka helped me every second … on my stocking design. As you can tell … I clearly found my floral rhythm.

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Sometime’s it’s just nice to get together with a bunch of girls and have a glitter bombed Christmas in July fiesta. Big thanks to all the girls, Alex & Tiff you two are divine and your vision was the tits. Loads of love to Roy, the only male invited, who own’s one of my favourite thrift shops in the beaches called The Salvage Shop, Tori’s Bakeshop provided all of the yummy treats, Blush and Bloom provided all the flowers and the ever so talented Alex Neary captured the event in these amazing photographs.

I hope you’re not dying in this heat wave, but if you are – I encourage you to have your own party with your girlfriends, make crafts and sip some wobbly pops.



2 comments on “CHRISTMAS IN JULY

  1. Ria on said:

    omg I want something like this here! Looks so fun!

  2. dee on said:

    oh wow! that looked like fun! Tiffany is great huh!? i love that girl. muahhh