You know the saying “ask and you shall receive”  [who am I kidding, of course you have, its biblical ... literally]. WELL … I’ve asked for many, many, maaaannnnyy, things in my life, probably more “things” than anyone else, hence why I was on a bad streak of resistance. But I would like to inform you, it seems as though it is all turning around. New projects are opening up my eyes, the tasks being given to me are potentially, [fingers crossed] going to soon, become more challenging, and lets just hope, a little, that BlogTO gets back to me.

This past weekend was Thanksgiving in Canada [FYI if you are a UK//US reader] and it also happens to be many pupils favorite holiday here. The reason, simple. Besides spending it with family and friends, our lovely North becomes so colorful it sparkles. You can’t argue that the photo’s in today’s post aren’t to some degree magical. There is something whimsical and undoubtedly luminance about them. This makes me so thankful that God created such a wonderful world we live in. I spent the day gazing at the beauty of the simple things.
I went out Friday evening to a friends surprise birthday dinner, she had no idea and was flabbergasted at the venue of choice. We went to dinner and a show, only the show was belly dancers whom danced around our tables as we sipped Australian wine, laughed and snapped photo’s.

I took these up north on Saturday [I think?] long weekends get my frizzled and I never actually remember what day is what. I am still amazed at the colour’s it is blowing my mind even looking at them now. The shoes I am wearing are vintage Prada’s. I picked these up at a tiny little vintage shoppe up North, that has recently closed down. I am devistatesd and don’t think I can say any more about the issue, only, I WAS A REGULAR AND THEY NEVER EVEN CALLED TO TELL ME THEY WERE CLOSING!!! [rant. over.]

I had a wonderful weekend and I hope you did too, no matter where you were I am sure it was spectacular. Happy Thanksgiving, even if it is over, I still know I have a ton to be thankful for.


1. Living in a FREE Country

2. My amazingly supportive Family who love me unconditionally

3. My amazing friends who keep me in line, & who push me, consistently, to be a better human being & never give up

4. The boyfriend and our wonderful ying & yang tendencies that keeps me guessing

5. Music & how it soothes my soul

6. Photography, and how so much can be said without saying one single word

7. My job, and the wonderful experiences I have had

8. The people at my job, they are amazing, talented, wonderful human beings

9. FASHION [this should be no. 1 haha] and how much I admire the creativity behind it

10. You


SHIRT: Wilfred
PANTS: High-waisted beauties from Milan – no brand, pure silk, phenominal
SHOES: Vintage, Prada
NECKLACE: Vintage watch fob


5 comments on “HE OWNS MY HEART

  1. Glenda C on said:

    Love that look!

    • kendalldonaldson on said:

      thanks so much!! I really appreciate it!! happy weekending!!

      Warm Wishes,

      Kendall Donaldson www.kendalldonaldson.ca

      Sent from my iPhone

  2. brilliantboy on said:

    I like #6.

    You should make your own clothes. Hey, why not?

  3. Dee on said:

    Love love love you! Great shots!

  4. Jenny Jen on said:

    Such a cute piece and I die for the outfit. More particularly, those pants. Those my friend, are fabulous pants. Great reminder that we should be thankful for the things we have, and most importantly our passions. Having a passion and the feelings that come with that is such an amazing thing to have.