I read this rather interesting take slash somewhat insulting, and funny blog rant today about bloggers. Bloggers in general, not related to fashion or tech – although both were mentioned. The jist [and I am MAJORLY jisting] was that not all bloggers are writers, and that if you are a blogger, and consider yourself a writer (given the five simple steps stated in said post), you are, in fact, an idiot. No kidding.

I would never claim to be a er, “writer”. I write how I talk, speak – whatever. I don’t user grammar properly, because lets face it – unless you graduated with a major in-the-many-streams-of-English or have OCD, the only reason you would comment on a blog about grammar is if you have some sort of unruly hatred inside of you – and I am being serious. Blogs to me, are diary-esq, not some place to censor yourself, most of the time people write a gigantic run-on-sentences, to hell with it, most people TALK face-to-face in run-on-sentences so I don’t see why it matters, really, even if it comes with a price tag, you blog because you can. Period … and if you are hired on your ability to write, it’s that simple, they hired you because of your personal tone and voice … yet maybe not.

I literally just had to google the definition of a blog while I sit here, and ironically the definition is “a web site containing the writer’s or group of writers’ own experiences, observations, opinions, etc.,” … ha! bit me in the ass … but not quite, because I don’t agree with that definition if put up against Mayka’s post. At least urban dictionary gives a better definition for a blog, “short for weblog, a meandering, blatantly uninteresting online diary that gives the author the illusion that people are interested in their stupid, pathetic life that consists of such riveting entries as “homework sucks” and “I slept until noon today.” But I suppose quoting urban dictionary is like quoting wikipedia, which is something a writer would never do. So maybe my post holds no ground to you, and that is completely fine, but I’d like to think the guys and gals I know who do blog, particularly those who have a fashion blog, know we stand alone.

We know we are narcissistic, and our blog posts are somewhat uninteresting to [probably a large, colossal even] demographic of people, we know there are people out there who scratch their heads and have many WTF?! moments when it comes to fashion bloggers integrating and overhauling media, collaborating, fashion week, writing, editorial, promotion, modeling, designing, photographing, being photographed [breath...] etc……, and how ordinary people somehow manage to work with some of the biggest names and brands [subjectively] in the 21st century, but the truth is, we have made something out of it, we have figured it out, a way to capitalize on that fact that we aren’t writers, we aren’t models, we aren’t professional, and for me, personally – apparently not coy, and guess what, I’d like to think it’s because we write how we talk, speak, – WHATEVER! Without the proper use of grammar. Not that you can’t get ahead by being smart enough to know the difference between their and there [which, to Mayka's credit, you honestly should].

To read Mayka Mei’s take-with-a-grain-of-salt-funny-and-witty post click here, she is a very talented writer, as she would prefer to be seen, and I agree. Oh and Mayka, me wearing pink in this post wasn’t planned for you, but I hope you enjoy it.

On a swift switch back to me, I am happy to report the Bloggers Night Out soiree in NYC was apparently flawless, I am so proud of my team for being so amazingly talented, and our amazing sponsors who bend over backwards. I am also so excited to tell you that I am actually speaking at a huge conference in Toronto on Thursday hosted by one of the biggest Marketing Magazines – er – Marketing Mag, about young influencers, and – you guessed it –   focused on blogging. BAM!!

I write how I talk, write – WHATEVER.

BLANT* done.

SWEATER: Vintage cashmere
Worn as a skirt | Thrifted from my mum
The GAP Classic Trench 
Miu Miu Nude Pumps

* Blant: taken from Mayka’s defenition – is a “blog rant.” I [Mayka] made it up in hopes that everyone the world over will realize that mashing up words is not cute, even if it is effective in producing an awful-sounding word that sounds like an annoying goat who just doesn’t care.

10 comments on “SAFE & SOUND

  1. everydaydeelights on said:

    this is why i love you!

  2. chameleonic on said:

    so purty! love the polka dots!

  3. The Maykazine on said:

    Hi Kendall,

    Thanks for reading that blant. (The context that I didn’t include in the post is how that all came about after years of working in social and digital strategy – including for an indie fashion etailer – and how I have random bouts of insomnia.)

    Glad you picked up that it’s all tongue-in-cheek. Looking up the definition of a blog is somewhat futile, because really the only thing that could be agreed upon is that it’s a log of something on the Web. Could be a slew of MP3s, photos, etc. I’m in total agreement that a blog is really what a person makes of it, but my issue (which I think is pretty obvious, and you picked up on) is that the ability to easily publish and post has made a generation of digital natives believe that they have earned instant credibility. And this is coming from a girl who was LiveJournaling in 2000!

    Let’s just chalk it up to having worked in print and Web editorial plus fashion marketing while constantly running into the same issues with some self-described “experts,” “writers,” and “editors.” Regardless of the industry, it gets old.

    So now that I’ve written a novella of a blog comment to you, rest assured I’m down for free speech. Happy blogging!


    P.S. I’m not anti-pink. In high school most of my hair was (tastefully!) striped magenta and black. Women’s networking groups tend to play into a lazy marketing template that I just want to see less of.

    Happy pinking, too!

  4. Messy Jess C. on said:

    My sentiments exactly! Also, love your outfit.

  5. Ria on said:

    Hahahahaha read the WHOLE thing because I’m in the demographic that cares whether you “slept until noon” today I guess lol. I’m so not a writer and I always stress that. I know writers are really butt hurt about bloggers but whatever. I write how I talk and clearly somebody likes it because sometimes I get paid to do it. So winner is me. ^^ I did have a good time reading the post though.

  6. Erika Sheffer (@StyleActivist) on said:

    love your post. you. and your style. bloggers are meant to be themselves through and through last time i checked :)


  7. Laura Graham on said:

    Was searching for other Toronto bloggers. Cam across yours! Very cute!

  8. Marissa at Style Cusp on said:

    LOVED this post – so true, and something we all need to read. You killed ittttttt.


  9. Clara Turbay on said:

    Great and different ideas!

  10. Shannon on said:

    Love this post!!!!