Category Archives: Jimmy Choo


OY! Let’s focus in on something I believe to be kind of awesome … housecoats. Yup, I said it. Not like the fuzzy, warm, chenille fabric types. No. I am talking about the sexy, silky, possibly completely see through ones!  Like the one above and below in the previous post. I have been rummaging through boxes and have found my fair share of adorable and usable housecoats from my mum (what else is new?). As you can see in the second image, there is a light and delicate polka-dot detail covering the silk canopy that is this now, sheer coat. I am obsessed with trying to figure out other uses for these once 1980′s sleepwear sets – like pairing it with these amazing vintage re-worked lace shorts that once upon a time was a dining room table cloth – just seemed to make the most sense in my world, – such a great buy.

In any news I am leaving for Mexico late next week and could NOT be more excited to get out of this city and escape with my man friend to a place with no internet or cell service. I also can’t wait to go on a giant shopping spree and purchase some much needed glassware and blankets, make time for a tan each day, eat delicious cuisine and tackle the ruins with my love. I have one more post before I go, and then one of my favorite Canadian bloggers will be taking over – so look out for that!! Details to come … Ssshh.

COAT: White Polka-dot // Thrifted from my mum // 1980′s
SHOES: Jimmy Choo
SHORTS: Lace // Preloved
JEWELRY: Vintage // Chain Wrap Belt worn as a Bracelet // House of Harlow Bangle


 blog title is from the song Keep Me by The Black Keys