
POLKA-POLKA-POLKA-DOTS! As of late, I have been obsessed with pattern. Maybe it’s because pattern seems to take the suck out of my Monday’s … or maybe it’s because I finally have an excuse to mix and match without being compared to the crazy cat lady, in either case; I’ve been a little obsessed with pattern as of late.
Nothing gets me more excited than autumn in our city. Toronto is one of the few cities that has two seasons … snow and hot … but if we are lucky, and mother nature allows it, we are blessed with crisp mornings and slow colour defying leaves.
This past Saturday I scooped my mum up and took her for a morning out on the town. With Stylicity and World MasterCard Fashion Week kicking off, it seemed only fitting we start our morning out at The Gladstone Hotel for a delicious (and sparkling) brunch. We hit up some old favourites like Cabaret Vintage, Ben Sherman, Fashionably Yours and some new like Spectacle, Sauvage, and Leigh & Harlow.
For those new readers Stylicity is an amazing program run by MasterCard where they partner with local Toronto merchants and online retailers to bring you exclusive offers and discounts when you shop with your MasterCard … seems kind of amazing right? – duh.
So if you’ve followed my blog for one hundred years; you will know that I am a huge West of Queen West leach. I say leach because I do not categorize myself as hipster enough to be seen there, but I do consider myself content enough to leach off of the real cool kids of the wicked west. You know I love my vintage, designer and leather goods … not to mention the fabulous men’s stores to sneak into to buy the gifts for the man friend.
I doodled a map above for you to follow along the places I visited this weekend with mum, next weekend I will re-visit some favourites and maybe even get my hair did (because we all know I need it … hush you).
I hope you all enjoy Stylicty this season as much as I am, and I hope you manage to get a head start on your holiday shopping … if not for loved ones; than for yourself … after all, you’re the best gift of all my little reader, you.

HAT: Black Felt Hat // Vintage
SWEATER: Mustard Honey Comb // J.CREW
PANTS: Polka Dot Trouser // F21
SHOES: Gold Cap Toe // Pour La Victoire