Category Archives: Wilfred


I took a mini break from this hear blog – sorry about that. The break wasn’t because I wanted to, more because I had to, but it gave me some down time to really think about WTF I am doing with my blog. I mean, for me – my blog is just a diary of my tangents regarding thrifted treasures, vintage from my gran and another pair of $500 shoes I probably can’t really afford, and I like my blog that way – people have weighed in on my blog stating that I reveal too much, that my grammar is poor (no kidding – I write the way I speak not the way you want me to), and recently – I’ve had a few quips about my photography (which, by the way, I take myself and take pride in that, I don’t want a photographer), but alas it’s easy for me to brush it off, as I still maintain that I blog for me. I think my next post will be about just that.

Until then, life has been insane (will fill you all in), but in the same capacity, the good comes with the bad. I have been asked to represent MasterCard in their Stylicity program again for Toronto Fashion Week. So be sure to look for that – I am as excited as they seem to be to have me back – which is such a pleasure!

This outfit is what I wore to Thanksgiving last weekend with my grandparents – just a small casual dinner with the most delicious Turkey on earth. I really am spoiled to have a family who loves to cook! Safe to say my food coma lasted me the entire weekend up north. The trees are all turning and the crisp air made sleeping that much better. I had copious amounts of wine, had a blast with my boyfriends family hiking up Blue Mountain and loved the fact that I hardly touched my cell phone.

I hope all my Canadian friends had a chance to disconnect and re-connect with your adoring families. Until next week.

COAT: Caramel Cargo | Wilfred | Aritizia
 :DIY Dip Dye | American Eagle
DRESS: Black & White Stripes | HM
ARM: Vintage, Tiffany&Co, Vintage Watch, Sorrelli, Jami Braided
SHOES:  Suade Penny Loafters | Dolce Vita

 Marvin Grey / Heard It Through The Grape Vine – Dubstep Remix